
February Webinar

Overview of the OneClick February webinar including company updates, what's coming soon for development, tech tips, and a guest speaker, Billy Tallman.


Our February webinar was our first launch of the monthly series where we can provide updates, tech tips, and let you meet some of our key customers. Thank you to those who attended and the questions/comments provided. To view the recording, see below. 

OneClick Updates

  • Updated KnowledgeBase
  • Announcing OneClick Champions 

Coming Soon 

  • Vendor List
  • Settings - Training Ratings
  • Task Management

Tech Time

  • Translating OneClick web version into other languages

Guest Speaker:  Billy Tallman

  • Gave an overview of how OneClick has helped their store be more successful. 
  • Reviewed his training style and gave ways to influence your team more effectively.
  • Talked about the Tallman Academy - a business he developed teaching others how to become great leaders.
  • Gave his top book recommendation - Emotional Intelligence 2.0


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